Symbi is a Social Enterprise which leverages the group buying power of its members to obtain discounts from producers of health store products.

We aim to affect positive change on our planet’s climate by making day-to-day living choices that are ecologically sustainable, whilst also saving money!

Once a month Symbi members combine their purchases to make wholesale orders from Irish Independent Health Foods.

To cover administration, Symbi only adds a small fee. Meaning, if you’re willing to do a little extra computer based work, you can avail of super cheap prices on health store items.

There is no minimum amount you have to spend and there’s no membership fee; you are a member as soon as you start making regular purchases.

Symbi is setup to be to the benefit of all those who partake; people and planet. No matter how big or small your purchase, by acting together we are able to support producers of our own choosing and negotiate cheaper prices.

Our wholesale purchases are currently being delivered to one of our member’s houses in the North Strand (Dublin 3). There it is divided up into each member order and made available for collection.

If you cannot get to North Strand to collect your order, we may be able to use our memberships network to send it to another member household who lives closer to you.

Below is a list of the areas where our members are living.

Symbi Network Reach